No matter the music I listened to with the Cary duo it was extremely Musial and offered up a huge expansive and rich sound with a weighty midrange and solid bass. What it lacked in all out transparency it made up for in musicality and by having a way of bringing the artists to your room. It was smooth and had some refinement over lower cost DAC’s that was welcome. If. there is one thing I can not stand with a DAC it is one that sounds ragged, digital or bright.
The Cary DMS650’s DAC section had none of that. What we have here is a true high end bonafide bargain in a world of insanely priced audio gear.
If I had only up to $6,000 to spend on a digital front end of streamer and DAC, THIS WOULD BE IT, no question. I can not imagine anyone being disappointed in the DMS650 for what it costs. It’s one of those rare HiFi pieces that do really punch above its price class and it makes absolutely beautiful music that can touch our heart and soul.