Russell K 150 har de samme grundlæggende karakteristika som de mindre modeller i serien: Udæmpede kabinetter i 16 mm MDF, som er akustisk afstivet med perforerede hylder under hver enkelt enhed til at håndtere resonanserne. Den måler ca. 1 meter i højden inkl. plint og spikes, og med en følsomhed på 87db er de relativt lette at drive. Russell K højtalerne kræver ikke den vildeste high end forstærker for at shine – vi har f.eks. opnået fremragende lytteresultater med AMC forstærkerne, som befinder sig i det prisvenlige leje. Modellen har høstet mange anerkendende roser i hi-fi-verdenen i de omkring 6 år, den har været på markedet og den har udklasseret stribevis af traditionelle high end højtalere, som koster tre til fire gange prisen.
Russell K RED 150
At få en højtaler til at lyde som den ægte vare, er ikke nogen let opgave. Det gør Russell K 150! Her får du letflydende og naturlig musikalitet med den karakteristiske ufiltrerede energi tilsat perfekt timing og super hurtig og fyldig rytmisk bund. Et markant step op i forhold til 100 og 120 modellerne.
Finish | Black, Black Ash, Cherry, Ebony, Finish, Mahogany, Natural Oak, Ortofon OM, Rosewood, Satin White, Silk White, Silver, Soft Grey, White, Amarone, Burnt Safran Ltd Edition, Grey Cabinet / Red Baffle, HIGH GLOSS PIANO FINISH – Black Cabinet – Baffle: Same colour as the finish, HIGH GLOSS PIANO FINISH – White Cabinet – Baffle: Same colour as the finish, Ingen, Light Grey, Mahogany Baffle:Black, Mat Black, Oak, Oak Baffle:Black, Piano Black, Piano Cherry, Piano Ebony, Piano White, Plum Ltd Edition, Rich Walnut, Rich Walnut Veneer, Rosenut, Satin Black, Sea Geen, See Green, Soft Black, Soft Gray, Soft Grey Lacquer, Soft White, Sort, Walnut, Walnut Baffle:Black, Walnut Gold, Walnut Silver, White Cabinet – Baffle: Same colour as the finish |
Hi-Fi +
“In truth, I don’t think it pays to deconstruct the performance to any real degree, it’s far better to appreciate it as a whole. The Red 150s have a rare ability to get the timing and other fundamentals right, perhaps more right than experience has led you to expect, which makes it so much easier to just get on with the business of enjoying music – a remarkable achievement at any price. When I think about other loudspeakers with a similar mix of virtues, I’m struggling to think of any at much less than twice the Red 150s price, which makes them truly extraordinary.”
HiFi Critic
“They are better integrated than some more costly alternatives I can think of, deliver the audio holy trinity in good measure, and create a good helping of air movement or pressurisation that further aids the ‘you are there’ illusion. Some will ‘get’ Russell Kauffman’s drive for natural dynamics and tonal balance. Those that do will reap considerable joy from their outlay of £4,000. Those that don’t…well, I think that’s their loss. Despite its highish price, the Red 150 definitely deserves a HIFICRITIC Best Buy rating.”
Dimensions H- 950mm (1000mm including plinth, base and spikes) W-240mm D-250mm
Construction 16mm MDF all sides apart from front baffle which is 19mm.
Totally undamped cabinet
3 acoustic loading bracing shelves with multiple apertures, mounted below the tweeter, below the bass mid driver and below the sub bass driver
1 bracing shelf mounted near the bottom of the enclosure containing an internal port
Internal port vents into a small chamber containing 2 asymmetric length reflex ports tuned as a system to 21Hz
Drive units
2 x 6.5” Bass units with impregnated paper cone and curved optimised acoustic profile
High power Ferrite magnet driving a 25mm voice coil with aluminium former and Faraday distortion cancelling copper ring
25mm soft dome tweeter
Double Ferrite magnet system
Copper Clad Aluminium voice coil wire on a Fibreglass Former and Faraday distortion cancelling copper ring
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